Why you should subscribe to remote management and monitoring software
If you are in charge of IT or computer systems, you know that there are many things to take care of. You have servers, desktops, laptops, applications and more to keep track of and make sure everything is working properly or getting updates when needed. That can be a daunting task but you don’t have to do it all yourself – you can use remote management and monitoring software to help with the job. Here’s why you should subscribe to this type of software.
What is remote management and monitoring software?
There are two types of people in this world. People who like things automated, and people who don’t. Here at Leapfrog Market, we’re firmly in the camp of automation lovers, because when something can be automated, it’s generally cheaper, easier, more reliable…and with us, more comprehensive. That’s why we chose to build our platform using a proprietary SaaS (Software as a Service) solution for everything from customer relationship management (CRM) to website hosting—and especially for remote management and monitoring. Today, I want to share a little bit about why that is—why CRM isn’t enough by itself—so you can make an informed decision about what kind of service will work best for your business. When managed properly, remotely managed assets can increase efficiency, reduce operating costs, decrease waste…and sometimes they’re even more secure than assets managed on site! If you have any questions or comments about today’s post or would like more information on how Leapfrog services could help streamline your workforce planning process even further, please leave them below.

How do these services make your business better?
By reducing IT complexity, minimizing downtime, and by helping you understand what is going on behind-the-scenes, remote management software makes your business run smoother. Instead of trying to manage systems from afar with an outdated knowledge base or through endless user forums, these services provide a way for your employees to handle most issues remotely with real-time data at their fingertips. In addition, they make it easy for your IT provider to troubleshoot problems from anywhere—reducing travel time and expense—and without affecting any of your users. Your business can thus enjoy a better bottom line as well as a more reliable environment that runs smoothly around the clock. How do other companies use our product?: Most businesses use Remote Management Software differently depending on their business needs. You may have all of your resources under control while another company might only be using it to monitor single devices in different locations. We’ve heard many success stories from companies using our products successfully across a wide range of industries including: automotive dealerships, healthcare providers, insurance agencies and public utilities just to name a few.
What are some notable examples?
Your company can monitor a device on our network using a variety of methods including email, SMS text messaging, standard browser access, or a mobile app. With your subscription, we’ll handle all of these options so that your IT team always has access from wherever they may be located. To learn more about how we provide mobile network security for enterprises check out our resources section below. Then contact us with any questions you might have! How does it work? We maintain relationships with carriers around the world who give us access to their customer base via both hardware and contracts. In most cases, we partner with multiple carriers across every country in which we do business. This provides an unparalleled level of coverage and availability as well as enabling our clients to connect virtually anywhere there is cellular service available. It also helps prevent fraud, phishing scams, and other suspicious activity by creating a secure proxy between one of our devices and your real phone or computer. What are some benefits?: The ability to keep track of employees and colleagues who use their own personal devices is invaluable especially when it comes to protecting sensitive information like trade secrets and intellectual property.
How do you get started?
First, you need a plan of action. What do you hope to accomplish? Where do you want your company to be at the end of a set period of time? How much money do you have for investment? What is your goal financially? You’ll also need a general idea of what kind of business model or type of industry suits your values and interests best. Start by making a list – it doesn’t have to be comprehensive – just write down whatever comes first. If you don’t know where to start, give us a call and our friendly team will be happy to assist.